12 research outputs found


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    The country's investment attractiveness is one of the determining factors in attracting investment into the economy. The study emphasizes the relevance of research in this area. The article considers the dynamics of foreign direct investment in Ukraine's economy as one of the determining indicators of investment attractiveness. The place of Ukraine in the "pandemic" period in the rankings of various world institutions whose activities are related to research in the field of investment is analyzed. Low ratings of Ukraine are established, the factors which have caused such results are defined. Despite the generally negative impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the socio-economic system of the country, it was concluded that in such conditions, certain industries, including agriculture, construction, IT industry, transport, and logistics, have received prospects for their development. The article identifies positive trends in the institutional sphere, in particular, the adoption of a number of important bills that will facilitate business in Ukraine, resume cooperation with the International Monetary Fund, adoption of economic development programs, including the National Economic Strategy until 2030. This will stimulate investment in Ukraine's economy.The country's investment attractiveness is one of the determining factors in attracting investment into the economy. The study emphasizes the relevance of research in this area. The article considers the dynamics of foreign direct investment in Ukraine's economy as one of the determining indicators of investment attractiveness. The place of Ukraine in the "pandemic" period in the rankings of various world institutions whose activities are related to research in the field of investment is analyzed. Low ratings of Ukraine are established, the factors which have caused such results are defined. Despite the generally negative impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the socio-economic system of the country, it was concluded that in such conditions, certain industries, including agriculture, construction, IT industry, transport, and logistics, have received prospects for their development. The article identifies positive trends in the institutional sphere, in particular, the adoption of a number of important bills that will facilitate business in Ukraine, resume cooperation with the International Monetary Fund, adoption of economic development programs, including the National Economic Strategy until 2030. This will stimulate investment in Ukraine's economy

    The rating model of Ukraine's regions according to the level of economic development

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    The identification of the real level of economic development of the region is an important condition to design effective regional development policy. Economic development is characterized by a large number of indicators. This study provides an approach for assessing the level of economic development based on the use of a comprehensive index, which is a convolution of initial indicators. The model involves the use of both a group of absolute indicators and a group of relative measures of dynamics. Each of the groups of indicators has its special data normalization procedure and its special method of convolution into a partial comprehensive index. The outcome of the evaluation is obtained by weighted multiplicative convolution of partial comprehensive indexes. In this study, the level of economic development of regions of Ukraine according to the data of 2017 has evaluated. As a result, Ukraine’s regions were allocated into three groups: with the level of economic development above average, with the average level of economic development and with the level of development below average. The article suggests a way to determine the boundary values of the comprehensive index for grouping. Comparison of the obtained results of grouping with the results of clustering of the Ukraine’s regions by the k-means method with the same data showed their identity. The article shows that Ukraine’s regions can be allocated by the level of economic development into other number of groups

    Оцінка рівнів фінансової безпеки банку на основі комплексного індексу з використанням інформаційних технологій

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    The article considers the issues of assessing the level of financial security of the bank. An analysis of existing approaches to solving this problem. A scientific and methodological approach based on the application of comprehensive assessment technology is proposed. The computational algorithm is presented in the form of a four-stage procedure, which contains the identification of the initial data set, their normalization, calculation of the partial composite indexes, and a comprehensive index of financial security. Results have interpretation. Determining the levels of financial security and the limits of the relevant integrated indicator is based on the analysis of the configuration of objects in the two-scale space of partial composite indexes, which is based on the division of the set of initial indicators by content characteristics. The results of the grouping generally coincided with the results of the banks ranking according to the rating assessment of their stability, presented in official statistics. The article presents the practical implementation of the proposed computational procedure. To automate calculations and the possibility of scenario modeling, an electronic form of a spreadsheet was created with the help of form controls. The obtained results allowed us to identify the number of levels of financial security and their boundaries.У статті розглянуто питання оцінки рівня фінансів безпеки банку. Аналіз існуючих підходів до вирішення цієї проблеми. Запропоновано науково -методологічний підхід, заснований на застосуванні технології комплексного оцінювання. Обчислювальний алгоритм представлений у вигляді чотириступеневої процедури, яка містить ідентифікацію вихідного набору даних, їх нормалізацію, розрахунок часткових складених індексів та комплексний індекс фінансової безпеки. Результати мають інтерпретацію. Визначення рівнів фінансового забезпечення та меж відповідного інтегрального показника ґрунтується на аналізі конфігурації об’єктів у двомасштабному просторі часткових складених індексів, який базується на поділі набору вихідних показників за змістовими характеристиками . Результати групування в цілому збігалися з результатами рейтингу банків відповідно до рейтингової оцінки їх стабільності, представленої в офіційній статистиці. У статті представлено практичну реалізацію запропонованої обчислювальної процедури. Для автоматизації розрахунків та можливості моделювання сценаріїв за допомогою елементів керування формами була створена електронна форма електронної таблиці. Отримані результати дозволили нам визначити кількість рівнів фінансового забезпечення та їх межі

    Машинне навчання на ринках, що розвиваються, в часи пандемії

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    This is an introductory text to a collection of selected papers from the M3E2 2020 Summer: The Special Edition of International Conference on Monitoring, Modeling & Management of Emergent Economy, which was held in Odessa, Ukraine, on the July 13-18, 2020. It consists of short introduction and some observations about the event and its future.Це вступний текст до збірки вибраних доповідей з M3E2 2020 Summer: Спеціального видання Міжнародної конференції з моніторингу, моделювання та управління емерджентною економікою, що відбулася в Одесі, Україна, 13-18 липня 2020 року. Він складається з короткого вступу та деяких спостережень про подію та її майбутнє

    Economic Aspects of Final Energy Consumption in Ukraine: Prospects of Implementation of the Positive Experience of the European Union

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    The lack of a proper system for the use of energy resources is a nationwide problem in Ukraine. Payment for the consumed services for energy carriers mainly formed according to “consumption rates”, which can significantly ex-ceed the actually received amount of services and leads to an unjustified in-crease in the cost of energy resources. All this requires a search for new tools to stimulate energy intensity, effective accounting of the total volume of ener-gy consumption and the introduction of the best foreign experience in the field of energy saving in Ukraine. The analysis of energy consumption in the coun-try made it possible to identify the existing problems that subsist in the energy sphere today and provided an opportunity to propose ways to eliminate imbal-ances. The proposed methodology makes it possible to build models for estab-lishing the relationship between energy intensity and final energy consump-tion in Ukraine. Evaluation of foreign European experience makes it possible to implement the most necessary reforms and measures in domestic practice to improve the sphere of energy consumption

    Model for assessment of the financial security level of the enterprise based of the desirability scale

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    Modern economic realities of Ukraine in the conditions of growing destabilizing influences of external and internal environment convincingly prove that each year the influence of various threats on the level of financial security of economic entities increases. This necessitates constant monitoring of the financial security level in order to timely detect and neutralize possible crisis phenomena as a result of its decrease. The study aims to assess the financial security level of enterprises based on the theory of comprehensive assessment. The scientific and methodical approach to design a composite index of financial security and the identifying its level based on the double use of Harrington's desirability scale is proposed. The resulting model was tested on the particular enterprise data. The proposed approach may be used for another set of partial indicators, as well as in assessing the level of financial security at the national level. The results of the study may serve as the basis for making managerial decisions on raising the business entities financial security level and public administration

    Using a comprehensive index technology to analyze structural changes in the regions’ economic development in a COVID-19 pandemic: the case of Ukraine

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    The paper investigates the issues of evaluating structural changes in the regions’ economic development based on the comprehensive index assessment technology. The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on regional development and changes in the regional structure is considered. The authors propose the use of block convolution to design a comprehensive index based on a set of metric initial indicators that characterize the regions’ economic development. Grouping the set of initial indicators is carried out based on the method of an extreme grouping of parameters and the method of principal components. A weighted linear additive convolution was used to develop partial composite indices and an economic development comprehensive index. The practical approbation was carried out for the regions of Ukraine according to the data of 9 months of 2019 and the same period of 2020. To establish the regions’ structure, we used the division of the comprehensive index values into intervals and further distributing regions into classes according to the level of economic development. There is a general decrease in the value of the integrated indicator in 2020, caused by the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. However, no significant changes in the structure of the regions were detected, which indicates an equally negative impact of the pandemic for all regions of Ukraine

    Economic-mathematical model for complex risk assessment of the enterprise investment project using fuzzy logic

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    The article proposes an economic-mathematical model for determining a comprehensive risk assessment of the investment project of the enterprise which are based on the approaches of A. Nedosekin. The model is built using fuzzy logic and takes into account the probability of occurrence of each of the identified risks and the level of impact of each of them on the project. The probability of risk is set by experts in the form of points and converted into linguistic terms, and the level of influence of each of them on the project – the ratio of benefits and is determined using Fishburne scales. The proposed Project Risk Model consists of the following stages: formation of initial data using expert opinions; construction of a hierarchical project risk tree; determination of weight coefficients (Fishburne weights) of project risks; selection and description of membership function and linguistic variables; conversion of input data provided by experts from a score scale into linguistic terms; recognition of qualitative input data on a linguistic scale; determination of a complex indicator of investment project risks; interpretation of a complex indicator. The developed model allows managing the risks of the project to maximize the probability of its successful implementation, to compare alternative projects and choose less risky, to minimize the level of unforeseen costs of the project

    Assessment model of regions’ economy in the context of their sustainable development

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    Currently realizing the new active role of the region as a sustainable development entity is a strategic direction for regional policy’s development. Assessing the sustainable development of regions is an important part of such a policy and facilitates the timely identification of internal and external threats, the development of the necessary stabilization measures to prevent their negative impact, and the formation of strategies aimed at the sustainable functioning of regional systems. The economic system is an important subsystem of the region. The article proposes an approach to assess the level of regions economic development in the context of ensuring its sustainable development. It is based on comprehensive assessment technology. The sustainable economic development composite index is calculated by a weighted additive convolution of partial indicators. A feature of the proposed approach is the simultaneous use of both metric and nonmetric indicators. The metric component is used to calculate the composite index values. Weight coefficients are calculated by the principal component method using the factor loadings of the first principal component. The non-metric part of the initial data is used to refine these weights. The article describes the algorithm for calculating a composite index. The practical testing of the proposed approach is presented for the case Ukraine’s regions. The results lead to the conclusion about significant problems in ensuring sustainable development of the regional economy. Outcomes obtained are very helpful for the public administration bodies to develop and revise the appropriate policy for solving the sustainable development problems in each region


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    Urgency of the research. The combination of theory and empirical experience of management with modern cognitive tools determines the necessity to use economic and mathematical modeling managerial decision making in conditions of variability, uncertainty and multidimensionality of the market environment. Target setting. The choice of managerial decision on the set of alternatives is essentially limited to the difficulty of forming a single criterion, which covers different, and in some cases, conflicting requirements. Additional complications are the need to take into account and formalize the uncertainty of both source data and purposes. These lead to the need for use of such models of description of the reality, that allow to process large amounts of data in conditions of the growth of uncertainty. Actual scientific researches and issues analysis. Tools of fuzzy set theory and fuzzy logic are currently an effective means of formalizing uncertainty in different areas of manager's activities: finance, economics, risk management, marketing and many others. These issues are highlighted in the writings of such scholars as K. Kovalchuk, A. Matviychuk, W.-Y. Cheng, L in, M. Wen, Z. Qin, T. Korol and many others. Uninvestigated parts of general matters defining. Issues of description of fuzzy preference relationships based on the aggregate of values of several criteria measured in different scales, and development of scientific and methodological approach to select on this basis the set of most suitable alternatives as a decision currently are not solved enough. The research objective. The main objective of the paper is description of approaches to design fuzzy preference relationships based on the aggregate of values of several criteria measured in different scales, and development of scientific and methodological approach to select on this basis the set of most suitable alternatives as a decision. The statement of basic materials. The procedure of decision making is considered based on the creation of fuzzy preference relationship with membership function, which reflects the degree of confidence in the superiority of one alternative over another. The choice of alternatives carried out from subset of strictly non-dominated alternatives, based on fuzzy preference relationship. Conclusions. Given the availability a lot of criteria of effectiveness, the choice of decision should be based on fuzzy preference relationship. The developed scientific and methodological approaches are aimed to construct fuzzy preference relationship for comparison of alternatives on many criteria simultaneously. It allows to manager to form a set of Paretoefficient alternatives and choose from them the best as a decision.Актуальність теми дослідження. Поєднання теорії і емпіричного досвіду методів управління із сучасним пізнавальним інструментарієм зумовлює необхідність обґрунтування економіко-математичного моделювання процесів прийняття управлінських рішень в умовах мінливості, невизначеності та багатомірності ринкового середовища. Постановка проблеми. Вибір управлінського рішення з множини альтернатив істотно обмежується труднощами формування єдиного критерію, який охоплює різні, а в деяких випадках і суперечливі вимоги. Додаткові ускладнення несе необхідність урахування і формалізації невизначеності як вихідних даних, так і цільових установок. Ці обставини призводять до необхідності використання таких моделей опису реальності, які дозволяють обробку великих обсягів даних за умов зростання їх невизначеності. Аналіз останніх досліджень і публікацій. Інструментарій теорії нечітких множин та нечіткої логіки на даний час є ефективним засобом формалізації невизначеності в різних галузях діяльності менеджерів: фінансах, економіці, ризик-менеджменті, маркетинговій діяльності та багатьох інших. Ці питання висвітлені в працях таких вчених, як К. Ковальчук, А. Матвійчук, У. Ченг, Л. Лін, M. Уен, З. Куін, Т. Корол та багатьох інших. Виділення недосліджених частин загальної проблеми. Питання отримання нечіткого відношення переваги на основі сукупності значень декількох критеріїв, виміряних у різних шкалах та розробки науково-методологічного підходу до вибору на їх основі найбільш прийнятних альтернатив в якості управлінського рішення на даний час є недостатньо вирішеними. Постановка завдання. Метою роботи є опис підходів для отримання нечіткого відношення переваги на основі сукупності значень декількох критеріїв, виміряних у різних шкалах та розробка науково-методологічного підходу до вибору на їх основі в якості рішення найбільш прийнятних альтернатив. Викладення основного матеріалу. Розглянуто процедуру прийняття рішень на основі побудови нечіткого відношення переваги з функцією належності, яка відображає ступінь впевненості в перевазі однієї альтернативи над іншою. Вибір альтернативи здійснюється з підмножини строго недомінованих альтернатив, побудованої на основі нечітких відношень переваги. Висновки відповідно до статті. За умови наявності багатьох критеріїв ефективності вибір рішення потрібно здійснювати на основі нечітких відношень переваги. Розроблені науково-методологічні підходи спрямовані на побудову нечітких відношень переваги для зіставлення альтернатив за багатьма критеріями одночасно. Це дозволяє менеджеру сформувати множину Парето-ефективних альтернатив і обрати з них найкращу в якості рішення